
張嘉宜 (Kathy)

職業治療師 Occupational Therapist



- 香港城市大學社會科學系輔導學碩士 (MSc Counselling)
- 香港理工大學職業治療 (榮譽) 理學士 (BSc OT)
- 香港註冊職業治療師 (HKROT Part I)
- 香港職業治療師協會會員


- 感覺統合評估及治療 (S.I.P.T.)
- 口肌及姿勢控制課程証書 (M.O.R.E)
- 韻律動訓練 (Rhythmical Movement Training)
- The Wilbarger Deep Pressure and Proprioceptive Technique (DPPT) & Oral Tactile Technique (OTT)
- 註冊香港中學生抄寫速度評估員
Ms. Kathy Cheung is an occupational therapist who has been practicing in various institutes including government sub-vented organizations like Po-Leung Kuk, Heep Hong Society, Yan Chai Hospital and Hong Chi Association, a well as private sectors for more than 10 years. She delivered school based occupational therapy service to kindergartens, primary, secondary and special schools. Seminar and workshops about sensory integration, self-care, attention and handwriting have been provided for parents, colleagues and teachers. Academically, she was the clinical educator for students in the Occupational Therapy Programs provided by Tung Wah College. She is now working at the Fundamentals Child Development Centre Limited. Ms. Cheung acquired the Bachelor degree in Occupational Therapy in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, followed by a Master degree in Counselling in City University of Hong Kong. In addition, she acquired numerous professional qualifications including Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests (SIPT), M.O.R.E. (Motor, Oral, Respiration, Eyes), The Wilbarger Deep Pressure and Proprioceptive Technique (DPPT) & Oral Tactile Technique (OTT), and Rhythmical movement training Level 1 & 2, certified therapist for Copying Speed Test for Hong Kong Secondary students etc